
Annual ​Report

(April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)

Lake Near Forest

Territorial ​Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the land our office is on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, ​the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, ​Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

We are honouring these lands as part of a deeper commitment to Indigenous communities in Ontario. As provincial

health regulators, we have a large role to play in reconciliation to meet the broader goal of public protection.

Our Work

As the regulator for physiotherapists in Ontario, we set standards and develop programs ​to ensure that physiotherapists practice in the best interest of the public.

Every patient should have access to safe, competent and ethical physiotherapy care.

We work to protect the rights of patients by supporting over 11,000 physiotherapists ​across the province to continually improve their practice.

How We Protect the Public

Physiotherapists must be registered with the College and have

appropriate qualifications to practice in Ontario.

How We Protect the Public

Inspiring Confidence in the Profession

Helping patients ​make informed ​decisions about ​their care

We keep an up-to-date list of all ​physiotherapists in the province ​called the Public Register. The ​Public Register includes important ​details to help the public make ​informed decisions, including a ​physiotherapist’s education, ​professional conduct history and ​specialized areas of practice.

Ensuring quality ​physiotherapy ​care

We set the standards that ​physiotherapists must ​follow and make sure ​they are committed to ​their ongoing learning ​and development.

We consider all complaints or ​concerns about physiotherapists. ​In some cases, we may take ​further action to help ensure the ​physiotherapist is practicing ​safely, ethically and in ​accordance with the standards.

Investigating ​concerns and taking ​appropriate action ​when necessary

Strategic Plan

The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario’s 2022 – 2026 strategic plan ​provides the guidance that enables us to take our vision, mission and ​mandate, and anchor our work accordingly. It breaks down the big picture ​into more measurable and actionable objectives to be undertaken and ​gives us a timeframe within which to complete them.

Strategic Plan

Mission, Vision & Values

Strategic Plan

Strategic plan

current plan

Approved by Council (now ​Board) in March of 2022, the ​current plan sets out the ​College’s strategic priorities for ​2022 – 2026 with six areas

of focus:

  • Regulation and Risk
  • Engagement and ​Partnerships
  • People and Culture
  • Performance and ​Accountability
  • Focus on Equity, Diversity ​and Inclusion
  • Modernize Governance ​Practices


As we are now halfway ​through the plan, it’s a great ​time to take stock of what ​we have accomplished so far ​during these first two years. ​A big thank you for the ​continued dedication of our ​staff, support from our ​Council (now Board), and ​engagement from our ​partners that make these ​accomplishments possible.

As we look towards the next ​two years, we are excited to ​build on our progress and ​continue the momentum.

As always, we look

forward to engaging with ​physiotherapists, patients, ​the public and system ​partners as we think about ​our future strategic vision ​and priorities. We hope to ​hear from all of you as we ​undertake that process.

looking ahead


from April 2022 – March 2024

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Regulation ​and Risk

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Engagement and ​Partnerships

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People and Culture

Goal Glyph Icon

Performance and ​Accountability

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Improve Governance

Regulation ​and Risk

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Effectively regulate the ​physiotherapy profession ​in Ontario and advance its ​statutory work through a ​risk-based approach.

Ensuring a smooth pathway to licensure:

During interruptions to the availability of the national clinical exam, the College ​implemented an exam exemption policy as a temporary measure, while we ​worked to set up the Ontario Clinical Exam, which is now successfully running ​four times per year.

Supporting successful transition to practice:

The College released a series of six e-learning modules, covering topics

helpful for physiotherapists who are new to practice in Ontario. We have also ​conducted research to learn more about what supports would be helpful to ​internationally educated physiotherapists.

Modernizing standards:

The College is undergoing a multi-year process to adopt updated national ​standards and Code of Ethical Conduct, and develop new standards that ​address equity and inclusivity in care. These efforts will increase consistency

of expectations across Canada and support labour mobility within the ​provinces. As of March 2024, the first two groups (of five) of standards

and the Code of Ethical Conduct have been approved for consultation.


Engagement ​and ​PartnershipS

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Collaborate, partner and ​engage with the public, ​profession and other ​system partners in a clear, ​transparent and timely ​manner to enhance trust ​and credibility.

Engaging with the profession: The College maintains ongoing relationships with the ​Canadian and Ontario Physiotherapy Associations to collaborate on shared objectives ​and to understand the perspective of the profession. College representatives also ​attend conferences to engage with physiotherapists directly.

Supporting current and future PTs: The College regularly conducts workshops with ​Ontario PT students on topics such as professional regulation, boundaries and business ​practices, and hosts webinars to support exam candidates. We created a new learning ​module to help PTs incorporate patient-centred communication strategies in care and ​have Practice Advisors available to provide ongoing support and resources directly to ​PTs on various topics.

Working with system partners: The College has worked closely with the Canadian ​Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) as they pursue a transformation of their ​evaluation services, including having representatives on their Board and committees. ​We continue to have regular contact with the Ministry of Health to work on shared ​priorities, collaborate with other health regulators in Ontario and engage with the ​academic community and PT employers.

Engaging with patients and the public: The College has continued collaboration with ​the Citizens Advisory Group to incorporate the patient and public perspective into our ​work, most recently on topics such as effective communication and engagement with ​regulators, and consultation on new standards.


People and ​Culture

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Promote a collaborative ​environment and a culture ​based on equity, diversity ​and inclusion principles ​while ensuring staff and ​Council have the resources ​they need to do their

best work.

Diverse group of employees in a meeting

Supporting organizational growth: The College completed an organizational ​review and implemented a restructuring to allow our operations to become more ​nimble and scalable as the needs of the organization change.

Fostering a positive, equitable and fair workplace: The College conducted a ​psychological health and safety assessment for staff and identified areas of ​strength and opportunities for improvements. We also implemented a new ​performance management framework and created templates to support the ​recruitment process to promote consistency and fairness in those processes.

Supporting and investing in our people: The College has built up the strategic ​capacity of staff by orienting everyone to the strategic plan and engaging with ​them in the annual operational planning activity.


Performance ​and ​Accountability

Goal Glyph Icon

Implement strong corporate ​and governance structures ​and systems that include ​effective data, technology ​and processes to enable ​informed decision-making ​and progressive corporate ​performance to extend the ​College’s work and impact.

Strengthening security of our IT systems: The College completed an internal IT audit to ​identify vulnerabilities in our infrastructure as well as an external cybersecurity audit, ​and we have implemented a number of changes, including a transition of the College’s

IT systems to the cloud and decommission of on-premises servers.

Continual enhancements to technology systems: The College continues to make ​enhancements to our registrant database to increase efficiency, making use of ​automation and bringing more services online through the PT Portal.

Formalizing risk management: The College has developed an enterprise risk ​management framework and policy. Work is now underway to implement the ​framework through the development of a risk registry and procedures to

continually monitor, respond to and report on organizational risks.

Continuous quality improvement: Changes were implemented in the professional ​conduct area to improve the timeliness of investigations and Inquiries, Complaints and ​Reports Committee decision-making, such as increasing the level of Committee ​resources and using a different approach to assign cases to investigators. There has also ​been a focused effort to address areas of improvement from the College Performance ​Measurement Framework (CPMF), leading to a significant improvement of our ​performance. In 2022, the College fully met 28 of the 50 performance measures

in the CPMF. In 2023, we fully met 48 of them. The organization has also embraced

a continuous improvement mindset where we will continue to identify

and implement improvements throughout the organization.


Focus on ​Equity, ​Diversity and ​Inclusion (EDI)

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Embrace a culture where

an Equity, Diversity and ​Inclusion lens is ​intentionally incorporated ​into all levels of decision ​making at the College.

Diverse Group Of People

Incremental EDI initiatives: Since 2022, the College has implemented a wide range

of EDI initiatives that touch on all areas of our work, which were highlighted in the

first EDI report. Additional EDI initiatives have been identified for 2024–2025

to build on our progress.

Self-assessment and future strategy: The College conducted an organization-level EDI ​self-assessment that led to the development of an organizational EDI strategy that will ​guide future work to incorporate EDI principles into all aspects of the College’s work.

Increasing accessibility: The College has made organization-wide efforts to make our ​services and communications more accessible, such as writing decisions in plainer ​language, making the Ontario Clinical Exam, associated resources and other materials ​available in French, having bilingual speakers on staff, and increasing opportunities for ​individuals to identify what they need to meaningfully participate in our processes.


Improve ​Governance

Based on ​Government ​Direction and ​Best Practices


Create a governance ​framework which meets or ​exceeds industry standards as ​assessed against our ​regulatory peers.

External review:

The College completed a third-party independent assessment of our governance ​practices and policies.

Modernizing governance practices:

The College is in the process of working with the Council (now Board) to explore ​the recommendations to modernize our governance practices. Changes to date ​include the adoption of a competency profile and self-assessment process for the ​Council election and committee appointments processes, modernizing governance ​terminology and implementing a new meeting guideline for Council meetings.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a foundational pillar in our strategic plan, and our EDI initiatives are connected ​to our mission, vision and values.

Equity, ​Diversity and ​Inclusion

While we’re proud of the ​work we’ve accomplished ​so far, we recognize that ​we’re only getting started ​and that there is much ​more to do. In the coming ​year, we look forward to ​moving closer to our ​overarching goal by ​continuing to implement ​various initiatives and ​processes that enable us to ​further our guiding

EDI principles.

This year we worked to establish a solid foundation for our ongoing EDI work. We did this by:

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Setting up an EDI staff working group in July 2023 whose goal is to ​initiate and track various EDI-related projects and processes.

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Completing a self-assessment in the fall of 2023 to gain a better ​understanding of our current state and identify areas of improvement.

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Publishing the College’s first EDI report that provides a comprehensive ​overview of our achievements to date and our plans for the future ​(available on our website, www.collegept.org).


Supporting the work of the Health Profession Regulators of Ontario ​(HPRO). This includes review of existing policies, consulting with the ​HPRO Anti-Racism in Health Regulation project and using HPRO’s EDI ​assessment toolkit when conducting our organizational self-assessment.

CPMF 2023: Summary

The College Performance Measurement Framework ​(CPMF)

The College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) is a reporting tool developed by the ​Ministry of Health in collaboration with experts and regulatory colleges. The tool was developed to help ​health regulatory colleges demonstrate their performance as regulators to stakeholders. It is meant to ​support continuous improvement in regulators’ practices.

The report is organized into seven measurement domains. In six of the seven domains, the Ministry has ​identified a series of performance expectations against which colleges will self-assess their ​performance. There is no “mark” associated with this report. Instead, colleges are encouraged to ​identify improvement activities in areas where they do not fully meet the performance expectation.

The College has completed the fourth annual CPMF report about our performance in 2023. We made ​great strides in our performance against the expectations set out in the CPMF tool in 2023.

CPMF 2023: Summary

There are 50 items in the report for which there is a performance expectation. In 2022, the College ​fully met 28 of the performance expectations. In 2023, 48 were fully met. This improvement stems ​from an organization-wide effort to identify the minimum actions necessary to satisfy each ​performance expectation and to implement those changes within the year.

Within the report there are eight measures deemed to be highly important (called benchmarked ​evidence). In 2022, the College fully met only three of the eight. In 2023, all eight are now fully ​satisfied.

The two outstanding areas for improvement are around our processes for managing conflicts

of interest and ensuring that our policies, guidelines and standards promote Diversity, Equity,

and Inclusion (DEI). We have identified improvement actions for both items in 2024.

CPMF 2023: Summary

In the report, we also highlight our ongoing engagement with system partners and stakeholders to ​align oversight of the physiotherapy profession and to respond to changing public and societal ​expectations. In 2023, we continued to work with key partners such as the Ministry of Health,

other health regulatory colleges in Ontario, the Citizen Advisory Group, and more.

In 2023, the College continued to contribute to a coordinated national approach to regulating ​physiotherapists through collaboration with our system partners. We participated in a project

with other provincial regulators to update a set of national core standards for physiotherapists.

We also contributed to discussions at the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR)

to re-envision their evaluation services.

The College will continue to hold ourselves accountable for our performance against the

CPMF standards. We will strive to fully meet all performance expectations in 2024 and

continue to pursue ongoing improvement in all areas.

Nitin Madhvani

Council President

Message from the Council President

This past year has been a series of firsts: the first full year with our new Registrar and CEO, ​Craig Roxborough, our first report on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) practices, and our ​first year with a public appointee as Council President (now Board Chair), to name a few.

I am filled with gratitude and proud of what the College has been able to accomplish in

pursuit of our strategic priorities set in 2022, including:

  • advancing our efforts in EDI through a meaningful shift to what we can do to improve how ​our work protects the public, Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples alike,
  • incorporating real life stories from those trying to access care in remote Northern ​communities and the commitment of the physiotherapists in those communities to ​addressing gaps,
  • applying principles of compassionate, trauma-informed regulation,
  • achieving financial stability,
  • fostering a work environment and culture that attracts and retains top talent, and
  • investing in the systems and processes to keep data at the forefront of the College’s work.

Message from the Council President

This past year also marked a shift to be more visible and engage with our communities at ​large; I have gained much insight from speaking with physiotherapists, students, various ​system partners and the public through webinars and in-person events. Our mandate to ​protect the public interest must include active collaboration with the profession, academia ​and other system partners vested in delivering high quality care to Ontarians.

Thank you to the College staff, my fellow Council members and those who serve on our ​various committees; you are all essential to keeping the wheels of self-regulation turning. I ​look forward to working with you all this year as we continue to protect the public interest ​by ensuring physiotherapists provide competent, safe and ethical care.

Craig Roxborough

Registrar & CEO

Message from the Registrar & CEO

Since joining the College in May of 2023, I have been consistently impressed by the passion of ​physiotherapists working in this province. Their commitment to the profession and their patients is truly ​outstanding. I am honoured to be doing this work and to be a part of the community.

Though I’m well-versed in the regulatory space, I have been learning so much about the profession of ​physiotherapy and am committed to continuing that learning and connection in various ways, such as

through webinars, blogs and in-person events. Over the past year I’ve had the pleasure of attending events ​with the Ontario Physiotherapy Association, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, the Physio North ​conference, and other community events held by local physiotherapy groups. I look forward to more ​conversations with many of you in the coming year.

I also want to take this time to thank all of you who have participated in our consultations. Your feedback is ​truly valued and helps support meaningful change. We’ve been working hard to update our standards to ​modernize and align them with national physiotherapy standards across the country. Your input is ​important to help shape how these standards are implemented for Ontario physiotherapists in the future so ​please continue to share your valuable insights with us through the consultation process.

As Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a key part of our strategic plan, this year we produced our first EDI ​Report to illustrate our progress and to hold ourselves accountable. We are dedicated to learning about ​inclusive practices, growing our knowledge base, and evolving our commitment to fostering true belonging.

Message from the Registrar & CEO

We appreciate the connections we have established with many of you as we further our EDI initiatives and ​look forward to more opportunities to collaborate and learn in the future as we continue this important ​and ongoing work.

The path to licensure for physiotherapists remains reliable and robust. We increased access and ​availability to the Ontario Clinical Exam (OCE), particularly for those who want to take the OCE from ​outside the country and for those who wish to take the exam in French.

As we look ahead, we have much on the horizon with the continued rollout of our updated standards, a ​new website and many opportunities to speak with various groups. This year we added to our resources ​for new physiotherapists based on identified needs — a Patient Centred Communication E-Learning ​Module as well as Transitioning to Practice in Ontario Learning Modules. We will continue to seek out

ways that we can best support new physiotherapists entering the profession, both Canadian and ​internationally educated.

I’d like to thank the Council, our committee members and staff for their hard work and commitment and ​for welcoming me to the College with open arms. It has been so fulfilling to lead this organization and

I look forward to all that is to come.

Thank you of course as well to all the physiotherapists and system partners who have taken the ​opportunity to engage with us in various ways — by participating in consultations, drafting emails and ​coming up to engage in conversation at various events. We couldn’t do the work we do without your ​dedication and our shared commitment to serving the public interest.

Learn More About Physiotherapists in Ontario


In 2023–2024, there were 11,909 physiotherapists registered ​with the College, of which 707 were newly registered PTs.

Canadian ​Labour ​Mobility

From April 1, 2023 to ​March 31, 2024, 34 ​individuals registered ​in Ontario used the ​Canadian Free Trade ​Agreement (CFTA) ​provisions.



Other than Canada, registrants indicated that they received their ​physiotherapy training in these five countries:

UK: 489

India: 2,034

USA: 319

World Map Silhouette



Philippines: 222

Australia: 184


How do physiotherapists identify?

8,362 female

• 3,540 male

• 7 another gender

* Cisheteronormativity: For a definition of cisnormativity, ​heteronormativity and other key definitions, please refer to ​The 519's Glossary of Terms.

The College is actively engaging in critical reflection on the ​impacts of cisheteronormativity* within the physiotherapy ​profession and how it has shaped our approach to ​collecting data on sex and gender.

As part of our ongoing learning, we acknowledge that ​asking physiotherapists to identify their gender yet ​providing sex (i.e. female and male) answer options, in ​addition to the “another gender” option, conflates the ​terms of sex and gender, which are distinct constructs.

We also acknowledge that these response options fail to ​represent, and therefore invisibilize, individuals who are ​Two-Spirit, intersex, transgender, non-binary, ​genderqueer, genderfluid, and of additional diverse sexual ​and gender identities. The College is committed to making ​improvements to how we collect this information from

our registrants in the future.

Registration Renewal: Optional ​Demographic Data

During registration renewal, physiotherapists are given the choice to ​include optional data. One of the central goals of collecting this data is to ​bring visibility to the diversity that exists and to support us in promoting ​greater equity and equality in the work we do to regulate the profession in ​the public interest. This information supports data for the Canadian ​Institute for Health Information (CIHI). The data elements are set by

CIHI to capture an accurate picture of Canada’s health systems

and used to identify and accelerate improvements.

Racial Identity

This optional question was answered by a small number of registrants ​(approximately 19%) and is thus not a full picture of the diversity of ​identities and lived experiences that exist within the physiotherapy ​profession. As racial identity is multi-faceted, physiotherapists are given

a multi-select field as well as the opportunity to write information in an ​open text box during the renewal process so they can capture the

various racial identities they identify with.

There is a wide variety of data provided and this is just a summary of the ​most frequent responses from those who answered the question.



East Asian






Middle Eastern


South Asian


Southeast Asian




Another Race Category


Prefer Not to Answer


The Registration ​Committee ​considered

29 cases.

Registration ​Committee



8 applicants

were granted an ​Independent Practice ​Certificate of ​Registration with ​terms, conditions

and limitations.


8 cases where

PT residents ​participated

in a practice ​assessment as

part of the Exam ​Exemption Policy.


9 applicants were ​denied an Independent ​Practice Certificate of ​Registration.


2 cases were from ​residents who applied ​under the Exam ​Exemption Policy.


2 cases were deferred ​pending additional ​information.


There were 2 appeals to ​the Health Professions ​Appeal and Review ​Board (HPARB). Both ​decisions were upheld ​by HPARB.

Job interview

Quality Assurance

As part of the College’s commitment to ensuring physiotherapists in Ontario are providing safe, ​competent and ethical care to their patients, PTs may be selected for a one-hour screening interview ​with a College assessor. Physiotherapists are eligible to be selected for a screening interview

once they have been registered in Independent Practice for two years and deliver patient care.

Quality Assurance

Of the physiotherapists who ​contacted the Quality Assurance ​team during the screening ​interview or assessment process:



96% indicated that

the Quality ​Assurance team ​answered their ​question in a

timely manner.

97% believed that ​the Quality ​Assurance team ​addressed the issue ​appropriately.

During the screening interview:



88% strongly agreed ​that the assessor ​communicated in a ​timely manner.

94% strongly agreed ​that the assessor ​was respectful.

QUality Assurance:

From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

Check Mark Vector Icon


Screening ​interviews were ​completed.

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Physiotherapists ​completed the ​screening interview ​under the Quality ​Assurance ​Program.

Web Application Settings


PT residents ​completed the ​screening interview ​as part of the ​Registration ​Committee's Exam ​Exemption Policy.

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Physiotherapists ​were referred to ​participate in an ​assessment based ​on results of the ​screening ​interview.

Quality ​Assurance ​Committee

14 decisions were ​issued by the Quality ​Assurance Committee.



2 were closed with

no action


3 proposed Specified ​Continuing Education ​or Remediation ​Programs (SCERPs)


1 was closed with no ​action after the PT ​completed Compliance ​Monitoring


3 confirmed SCERPs


4 were closed

with advice/ ​recommendations


1 had a ​deferral/extension

Supporting New Physiotherapists

This year we released two new learning modules:

Patient Centred ​Communication E-Learning ​Module

To help new and experienced ​physiotherapists enhance their professional ​communication skills with patients, families, ​caregivers, and team members. The module ​covers how to apply key principles and skills in ​practice to improve patient outcomes, ​increase levels of patient satisfaction, and ​foster a more rewarding career as a PT.

Transitioning to ​Practice in Ontario ​Learning Modules

To support internationally educated ​physiotherapists, PT students, PT residents ​and experienced physiotherapists looking to ​expand or refresh their knowledge on key ​topics including boundaries, consent, business ​practices and communication.

Unrecognizable woman typing on laptop

Ontario ​Clinical


The pandemic caused a disruption to well-established entry-to-practice processes.

After a challenging couple of years, the Ontario Clinical Exam (OCE) launched in October 2022. ​Since that time it has become a stable and reliable means of evaluating applicants

for licensure.

As of June 2023, the OCE is now a fully virtual exam, available in English and French,

that candidates can complete from a location of their choice, allowing for greater flexibility.

Ontario clinical exam

In total, 964 candidates have taken the exam

during the last fiscal year (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)

A special thank you to our over 200 examiners supporting the program.


Where Canadian educated candidates most ​frequently received their education

McMaster University

Queen’s University

University of Ottawa

University of Toronto

Western University


Where internationally educated candidates ​most frequently received their education






Ontario clinical exam

Successful Icon


On average, 98% of Canadian-​educated candidates passed on their ​first attempt.

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Approximately 85% of candidates indicate ​that they spent more than 25 hours ​preparing for the exam.

Success Icon


On average, over 82% of internationally ​educated candidates passed on their ​first attempt.



Over 70% of candidates agree that the time ​they spent preparing for the exam was ​valuable to them professionally.

Practice Advice: Providing Guidance ​on Physiotherapy Practice

Ask Question Line Icon

The Practice Advisors offer a ​safe place for physiotherapists, ​PT residents, students, patients, ​employers and others to

ask questions about ​physiotherapy practice.

Top Themes of Inquiries:

  • Business practices (e.g. duties related to PT billing, conflict of interest ​dilemmas, advertising practices of employer)

  • Scope of practice (e.g. understanding responsibilities about delegation of ​controlled acts)

  • Supervision expectations (PT residents and PTAs)

  • Privacy (responsibilities of the Health Information Custodian (HIC), agent ​of the HIC)

  • General: Inquiries from PTs trained in other countries looking to ​understand entry requirements (referred to the Canadian Alliance of ​Physiotherapy Regulators), registration requirements for new ​registrants, resources to help in preparing for the Ontario Clinical Exam

The Practice Advisors addressed 7,435 inquiries during ​the fiscal year, of which 55% were by email and 45% were ​by telephone.

Practice Advice: Outreach

The advisors delivered a series of interactive workshops ​to raise awareness of the Boundaries and Sexual Abuse ​Standard, and PT business expectations

to students at each of the Ontario universities.

  • University of Toronto
  • University of Ottawa
  • McMaster University
  • Western University
  • Queen’s University

The Practice Advisors hosted an information webinar about the ​Supervision Standard and Working with Physiotherapist Assistants ​Standard to raise awareness about the role of the College,

the rules and standards to various programs:

  • University of Toronto: Ontario Internationally Educated ​Physical Therapy Bridging Program
  • Conestoga College: Physiotherapist Assistants (PTA) Program
  • Niagara College: Physiotherapist Assistant (PTA) Program
  • Humber College: Physiotherapist Assistant (PTA) Program

Corporate Business Meeting

Investigating Concerns:

The Inquiries, Complaints

and Reports Committee

Common issues considered by the committee include:

  • Allegations of sexual abuse, boundary violations and inadequate ​communication.
  • Patient care, treatment concerns and consent to treatment.
  • Fraudulent billing, falsification of records and incomplete records.

Decisions by the ​Inquiries, Complaints ​and Reports ​Committee

*Some decisions may ​include more than one ​outcome


Total Decisions


No Action


Advice and Recommendations




Specified Continuing Education and ​Remediation Program (SCERP)


Referral to Discipline Committee


SCERP and Caution


Undertaking to Resign


SCERP and Undertakings


Frivolous and Vexatious



Withdrawal of Complaint


Acknowledgement and Undertaking


Caution and Advice and ​Recommendations


Acknowledgement and Undertaking ​and Caution


SCERP and Caution and ​Acknowledgement and Undertaking


Refer to Incapacity Proceedings


Referred to Discipline and ​Acknowledgement and Undertaking


Interim Orders




The College ​received 15 ​decisions from ​HPARB

Investigator ​appointments


Cases appealed to ​divisional court



Cases appealed to the ​Health Professions

Appeal and Review

Board (HPARB)

ICRC decisions upheld ​by HPARB

ICRC decision returned ​for reconsideration



Matters withdrawn


Discipline Summaries

Website Icon

You can see a complete list of ​past Discipline Hearings and ​decisions by visiting CanLII.org ​or www.collegept.org

Be sure to visit the College’s ​Public Register, also known as ​Find a Physiotherapist, to access ​important information before ​visiting a physiotherapist.

Patient Relations

For more information and ​helpful resources, visit the ​Patients section of the ​College’s website ​www.collegept.org.

The College maintains a program to provide financial assistance for ​therapy or counselling for patients who have been sexually abused by a ​physiotherapist. Individuals who meet the criteria are entitled to $17,370 ​over a five-year period.

There were seven requests from the public for funding for therapy and ​counselling. There was one application approved by Committee and six ​applications approved by staff.

College Council and Committees

For more information about the activities of ​the College Council, please visit our website, ​www.collegept.org.

The Council (now referred to as the Board) of the College of Physiotherapists of ​Ontario is the governing body for the province’s physiotherapists. It is made up of ​eight elected physiotherapists from regions across Ontario, two academic ​representatives and seven members of the public appointed by the government. ​The 17-member Council sets the strategic policy direction for the College and ​supports our ongoing mandate to protect the public interest by regulating the

more than 11,000 physiotherapists practicing in Ontario.

College Council and Committees

Theresa Stevens

Elected Director

(President until June 25, 2023;

Vice-President from June 26, 2023)

Jennifer Clifford

Elected Director

(Vice-President until June 25, 2023)

Nitin Madhvani

Public Director

(President from June 26, 2023)

College Council and Committees

Elected Directors

Janet Law

Katie Schulz

Dennis Ng

Anna Grunin

Jennifer Clifford (until June 25, 2023)

Hervé Cavanagh (until June 25, 2023)

Karen St. Jacques (until June 25, 2023)

Gary Rehan (from June 26, 2023)

Andy Wang (from June 26, 2023 until December 5, 2023)

Maureen Vanwart (from June 26, 2023)

Public Directors

Jesse Finn

Carole Baxter

Mark Heller (from September 7, 2023)​

Frank Massey (from August 17, 2023)​

Richard O'Brien ​

Christopher Warren (from March 28, 2024)​

Laina Smith (until February 1, 2024)​

Tyrone Skanes (until June 30, 2023)​

Academic Directors

Pulak Parikh

Sinéad Dufour (from June 26, 2023)​

Sharon Gabison (until June 25, 2023)


Jim Wernham, Professional Member (Chair)

Hervé Cavanagh (until June 25, 2023)

Karen St. Jacques (until June 25, 2023)

Sharon Gabison (until June 25, 2023)

Angelo Karalekas, Professional Member (Vice-Chair)

Janet Law, Professional Member

Pulak Parikh, Academic Member

Maureen Vanwart, Professional Member

Anna Grunin, Professional Member

Katie Schulz, Professional Member

Sinéad Dufour, Academic Member

Gary Rehan, Professional Member

Dennis Ng, Professional Member

Theresa Stevens, Professional Member

Andy Wang, Professional Member

(from June 26, 2023 until December 5, 2023)

Jesse Finn, Public Member

Carole Baxter, Public Member

Richard O’Brien, Public Member

Daniel Negro, Professional Member

Sue Grebe, Professional Member

Nicole Graham, Professional Member

Richa Rehan, Professional Member

Felix Umana, Professional Member

Theresa Kay, Professional Member

Frank Massey, Public Member (from September 28, 2023)

Mark Heller, Public Member (from September 28, 2023)

Laina Smith, Public Member (until February 1, 2024)

College Council and Committees


Nitin Madhvani, Public Member (Member at Large, ​

until June 25, 2023; President, from June 26, 2023)​

Theresa Stevens, Professional Member (President, ​

until June 25, 2023, Vice-President, from June 26, 2023)​

Carole Baxter, Public Member ​

Katie Schulz, Professional Member (from June 26, 2023)​

Janet Law, Professional Member (from June 26, 2023)​

Jennifer Clifford, Professional Member (until June 25, 2023)​

Hervé Cavanagh, Professional Member (until June 25, 2023)​


Harikrishnan Gopalakrishnan Nair (Chair), Professional Member

Alireza Mazaheri (Vice-Chair), Professional Member

Sameera Merchant, Professional Member

Enoch Ho, Professional Member

Lea Damata, Professional Member

Greg Pope, Public Member



Gary Rehan, Professional Member (Chair)

Katie Schulz, Professional Member (Vice-Chair)

Theresa Stevens, Professional Member

(from June 26, 2023)

Carole Baxter, Public Member

Mark Heller, Public Member

(from September 28, 2023)

Tammy Morrisey, Professional Member

Greg Heikoop, Professional Member

(from June 26, 2023)

Anastasia Newman, Professional Member

(until August 24, 2023)

Dennis Ng, Professional Member (until June 25, 2023)

Tyrone Skanes, Public Member (until June 30, 2023)

Laina Smith, Public Member (until February 1, 2024)

College Council and Committees


Anna Grunin, Professional Member (Chair)

Andy Wang, Professional Member (Vice-Chair,

from June 26, 2023 to December 5, 2023)

Richard O’Brien, Public Member

Einat Mei-Dan (from June 26, 2023)

Karen St. Jacques, Professional Member

(until June 25, 2023)

Greg Heikoop, Professional Member

(until June 25, 2023, from March 26, 2024)

Antoinette Megens (from March 26, 2024)


Antoinette Megens (Chair), Professional Member

Frank Massey, Public Member (from March 26, 2024)

Dennis Ng, Professional Member

Richard O’Brien, Public Member

Maureen Vanwart, Professional Member (from June 26, 2023)

Jennifer Clifford, Professional Member (until June 25, 2023)

Laina Smith, Public Member (until February 1, 2024)

Venkadesan Rajendran (until November 8, 2023)

College Council and Committees


Katie Schulz, Professional Member

(Co-Chair until June 25, 2023, Chair from June 26, 2023) ​Pulak Parikh, Academic Member

Sinéad Dufour, Academic Member (from June 26, 2023)

Jesse Finn, Public Member

Frank Massey, Public Member (from September 28, 2023)

Einat Mei-Dan, Professional Member

Juliana De Castro Faria, Professional Member

Tyrone Skanes Public Member (until June 30, 2023)

Carole Baxter, Public Member (until June 25, 2023)

Sharon Gabison, Academic Member (until June 25, 2023)

Laina Smith, Public Member (until September 28, 2023)


Janet Law, Professional Member (Chair)

Gary Rehan, Professional Member

(Vice Chair, from June 26, 2023)

Nitin Madhavi, Public Member

Theresa Stevens, Professional Member

Anna Grunin, Professional Member

Jesse Finn, Public Member

Frank Massey (from December 14, 2023)

Jennifer Clifford, Professional Member (until June 25, 2023)

College Council and Committees

accountant, Auditor, Self-Employed, Finance and Investment,

(April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Financial Statements

The Board of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario approved the audited ​financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2024.

For a complete set of audited financial statements or an accessible format

of the financial statements, contact us at finance@collegept.org.

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